
A Recognised European Feminist Network to Stop the Anti-Gender Movement


A 28-year-old woman was fatally stabbed by her ex-boyfriend just outside the police station in Athens, Greece. Despite having filed a complaint with the police and requesting an escort home due to fear for her safety, knowing her ex-boyfriend had been loitering nearby, she did not receive assistance. According to reports, she was informed that no police cars were available. Could alternative measures have been taken to help her? It is evident that the woman's pleas for help, in this situation, and the imminent danger she faced were not taken seriously by the authorities. This tragedy underscores the pervasive influence of the anti-gender movement, which manifests itself from grassroots levels to institutional structures. Even though ensuring the safety and protection of citizens is ostensibly the primary objective of law enforcement, it appears that in this case, such concerns were overlooked. Could it be that the officers were influenced by prevailing societal attitudes, perhaps perpetuated by media narratives that dismiss women's fears as mere "feminist paranoia"?

Feminist organizations are in need of emergency assistance for advocates in danger, the capacity to quickly disseminate information, can mean the difference between life and death and/or the successful repelling of an attack on women's human rights. These efforts are crucially linked to advocating for policymakers to adopt inclusive policies and ensuring their accountability to women worldwide.Moreover, the capacity of feminist movements to collaborate with like-minded NGOs and individuals seeking feminist organizations is paramount. Often, it's a matter of identifying organizations engaged in similar work in neighboring countries. Such connections facilitate solidarity and collective action in advancing women's rights across borders.There are numerous EU-level NGOs dedicated to promoting gender equality and advocating for feminist policies, with many actively engaged in EU-funded projects. However, there is a pressing need to enhance support for networking and collaboration among these organizations. Additionally, efforts should be made to encourage collaboration with groups focusing on intersectionality and lobbying for other underrepresented communities. Strengthening these connections will amplify the collective impact of advocacy efforts and advance the rights of all marginalized groups.

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