
A Recognised European Feminist Network to Stop the Anti-Gender Movement


A 28 y.o.  woman was stabbed to death by her ex boyfriend, just in front of the police station, in Athens, Greece. Even though she filed the complaint to the police office, she also asked for an escort to her house, as she was afraid and felt dangerous to walk the streets, knowing that her former boyfriend has the tendency, lately, to loiter around her place.
Why didn’t she benefit from a police escort? She was told that there were no police cars available. Was it so? Could the officers find any other solution to help this woman?
In the Athens case, we can clearly see that the threat that the woman was experiencing, and also the numerous shouts of help, were not taken seriously by the officers. Therefore safety and protection of the citizens tends to be the core goal of such an institution.
The anti-gender movement starts from the grassroots, and crawls up to the institutional level.

Feminist organizations are in need of emergency assistance for advocates in danger, the capacity to quickly disseminate information, can mean the difference between life and death and/or the successful repelling of an attack on women's human rights. These efforts are closely tied to suggesting to policymakers non-global policies and holding them accountable to women around the world.

The ability of feminist movements to connect with like-minded NGOs and those who are looking for feminist organizations is important. Sometimes it is simply a matter of finding organizations that are doing similar work in neighboring countries.
There are multiple EU level NGOs actively pursuing gender equality and advocating for feminist policies, several of them involved in EU-funded schemes/projects, but there is a need to further support networking and collaboration among those, as well as organizations acting intersectionality or/and lobbying for other underrepresented groups.

The European case is particularly noteworthy, with the establishment of the European Commission Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) Programme offers a glimpse of hope for European feminist civil society organisations as it promises a budget of EUR 1.55 billion from 2021 to 2027 for civil 8 society organisations that work on citizen engagement, equality, and the promotion of EU rights and values (European Commission 2021).

The most surprising and revolting fact is that there is never sufficient support for the feminist and women oriented organisations, to cover the basic needs, there is also an online world that is creating false allegations, plans and agendas on the activists, on the values promoted and disseminated information. Moreover, there are huge financial and human resources involved in this propaganda.
Anti-gender actors operating in Europe received a significant amount of funding, totaling over $707.2 million from 2009 to 2018. Over 60% of the funding for anti-gender actors in Europe comes from within European countries.
Surprising,yes? But, makes total sense, as every country has a very particular way of manipulation in media, television, social oppression, etc.

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